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The Enchanting Page 11
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Page 11
"But why must you? Why not do the opposite? Show compassion instead of brutality?" She gritted her teeth and held on to Reythor's waistcoat for dear life. Would be her luck to die falling off a dragon of all things. Though, she supposed it ruled out the possibility that dying herself wouldn't swap them back if Matilda had no qualms about trying to knock her off the Jabberwock.
Matilda tapped her chin as she considered this for a moment. Was it a trick of the light, or did she get shorter? How long did the effects of the tea cake work? She hadn't seemed to eat very much of it, but Devrel had teleported them away before they saw what she did with the rest of the cake she'd had in her hand.
"Your sister would like to talk to you." April kept her voice calm, even though her anxiety was getting higher with each near-hit Reythor maneuvered away from. "Even though you killed her husband, whom she loved."
Was that a flash of guilt in Matilda’s eyes? "Why should she have a happy marriage when she took everything from me? My husband left me and refused to stand by my side when I went on trial and was banished." Anger and hurt filled her eyes, and her voice wavered on emotion. "I was all alone."
April hadn't known that part. "I'm very sorry he wasn't there for you, and that wasn't fair for you either. But your sister is here now. And despite losing her husband, she still wants to speak to you."
Yes, Matilda was definitely getting smaller. All April had to do was keep her talking a little while longer. They had cleared the castle gardens and were closer to their group. A quick glance showed that Marchy had recovered from his laughing fit and was standing with Gareth, Devrel and the White Queen.
"What's it going to be, Matilda? Don't do something you can't undo later."
"Matilda!" the White Queen called out as she crossed the field toward them. "I spared your life by asking for your banishment. I didn't want to see you die like Wilhelmina. I know now my mistake was that I stayed and didn't go with you. It was a punishment, and a mercy. You never could have remained happy here after what happened. I had hoped you'd thrive, live a long life, and grow from your experiences."
"Oh, but I have grown. Look at me now!" Matilda gestured to herself, either unaware or unconcerned that she was only about twelve feet tall now and shrinking with every step. "And it did ruin me!" I was all alone and had to go begging for help from the parents of that girl who usurped me. I was humiliated." She was actually crying by the time she returned to normal size.
The White Queen ran forward and scooped her into her arms, equally crying as they collapsed to the ground. "I've had nightmares—premonitions—almost every night since you left, with increasing ferocity these past weeks. I'm sorry I stayed and didn't leave with you. If you will allow it, I'll abdicate my throne and go with you."
Both of them were sobbing heavily.
Reythor touched down and April happily dropped to her feet. She never wanted to take a risk like that again, even though her adrenaline was still kicking. Marchy met her halfway and held her as they watched the scene unfold along with Gareth and Devrel, who remained close, perhaps in fear that Matilda might still act out.
"How would you be able to look at me, knowing what I did to bring about Nathanial's end?" Matilda sniffled. "You'll never forgive me."
"I loved him, it's true. But I can't lose the last of my family and my husband in one day. I can't lose you too or I'll be truly lost. Wonderland is wearing on my mind and I think, regardless, it is time for me to leave. I hold no love for it any longer." She bowed her head, defeated. "I may not ever get over the loss of Nathanial, and I may eventually blame you for it, but I can't lose you too. I can't. I can't!"
"I'm so sorry." Matilda wept, wiping her nose on the back of her hand. "But if you left, who would you leave in your place? Surely not the Hatter and his findling wife. He doesn't want that life."
The White Queen pulled away. Her gaze lifted and landed on April and Marchy. April held her breath as Adelaide rose to her feet, then helped her sister stand beside her. "This findling saved both me and the kingdom from witnessing my demise this morning. She has the makings of a great queen, and Marchy…" She turned to Marchy and smiled warmly. "Now that you've found someone to complete you, you'll rule the White Kingdom with cleverness and a fine eye for detail."
"I-I-I…" he stuttered. "I'm just a halfling."
"Don't discredit yourself," April said.
The White Queen nodded, adding, "You're a great man, Harold March. And you'll make a fine king."
Matilda looked from April to Marchy and back to her sister as she dried her eyes with her hands. It was still weird seeing her body through another person's eyes. "Yes. These two will do. I picked April carefully when I sent her back because I knew she had a pure heart and would look good in a crown. It was Harold, however, who surprised me most."
Marchy fidgeted beside her at the genuine honesty in her tone, and April slipped her hand into his and gave it a squeeze. Even though she had some issues with how Matilda handled things, and wasn't sure Adelaide should leave with her, it wasn't her call to make. No one else had died, and Marchy needed to hear that he was better than he believed he was. He wasn't just a hybrid creature with long ears. He was a good man, a smart man, and one who had a good heart worthy of love and loyalty. She didn't particularly want to be queen, but Marchy—he was a king in her book, and he deserved the recognition.
"He's more clever than I ever gave him credit for," Matilda continued, "and I agree… he would be a fine king."
"So that settles it then," the White Queen said. "Long live the new White Queen and King of Wonderland."
April kissed Marchy on his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder as he smiled down at her. No matter what titles they held or where they ended up, it didn't matter as long as they were in it together.
"And then the kingdoms of Wonderland lived happily ever after," Marchy said under his breath, amusement in his tone.
They stood in front of a crowded throne room in the White Kingdom on the eve of their wedding and coronation night. There was still a giant hole in the wall of the castle, but that would be repaired soon. Thankfully, April and Matilda had indeed returned to their own bodies on that fateful day two weeks ago. He would have married her even if she looked like the former Red Queen, but he must admit he preferred April as herself and was definitely glad that situation had been rectified, even if the former White King's death, sadly, couldn't be reversed.
"Not quite yet, but we are getting there." April beamed up at him. Her white velvet gown had faux diamonds sewn into it and she sparkled in the light from the candelabras. She had a silver crown with real diamonds in it atop her head that matched the one he wore, which was much heavier than the top hats he had favored before.
Marchy wasn't sure he'd ever get used to wearing a crown. Or being king. He'd never thought he would be given such a chance at life, and had never aspired at so high a station. He had always enjoyed living out in the meadows with Hatter and keeping his house and cooking for him, but when Melody had entered Hatter's life, Marchy had known it was a matter of time before he was no longer needed.
And now he had his own wife, his queen, and she needed him in ways Hatter never had.
He preferred looking after April, but Hatter would always be like a brother to him. Hatter, who had accepted an invitation to move to the castle and have his own shop to work out of to stay close to Marchy. April, Melody, and Cadence had become fast friends, so having Hatter and his wife at the castle with them was going to make their transition into their new roles much easier. And of course, he had his wife at his side, and that's what made him eager to wake up each morning and lasciviously anticipate going to bed at night.
Marchy led April down the small flight of stairs into the room to mingle with the crowd that was there to offer their congratulations. Hatter and Melody stood with Cadence and Gareth and were the first to reach them. Like the rest of the guests, everyone wore white to the celebration to honor their rule over the Whit
e Kingdom.
Even the Red Queen and King.
Hatter pulled Marchy into a hug, and it took him slightly off guard to see the emotion come from his dear friend. Hawthorn squeaked indignantly and crawled out of his jacket pocket to his shoulder and fussed at Hatter before running down his leg and disappearing into the crowd. Probably to find his partner in crime to further terrorize Devrel and his Boojum kittens, who had also moved into the castle, though Devrel spent most of his time with Gareth in the Red Kingdom.
"I'm so proud of you," Hatter said and beamed at April. "At last you see what I found in Melody."
"Aye, and I would not give it up for the world," Marchy agreed as April blushed.
"I'm so happy Adelaide chose you to take over for her," Cadence said. "And that she showed us the Underland tunnels before she left. Man, that makes travel so much easier between the castles. I can't believe she forgot about it. How do you just forget about some underground magic vortex?"
Marchy shrugged, not wanting to know how they would use those tunnels for mischief. "She was suffering at the loss of her sisters. It probably brought her pain to think of that place." Knowing about it now though made it easier for Melody and Cadence to visit each other without needing Devrel to teleport them around.
"Come back here, you despicable rodents!" Speaking of Devrel...
"Uh oh, I better collect Squirrelpoleon and Hawthorn before Devrel tries to eat them again." Cadence excused herself and Gareth hurried after her in the direction of the commotion. A loud crash complete with glass shattering followed.
"Hawthorn needs safer friends," April joked and Marchy smiled. "He enjoys traumatizing Devrel far too much for his own health."
Hatter and Melody excused themselves to dance, and Marchy led April around the room to mingle. By the time they made it to the opposite end of the throne room, the crowd was growing smaller and the night later.
"Should we sneak away?" he asked, and April blushed again. He enjoyed seeing color alight beneath her skin.
"Why, Your Majesty, that would be scandalous. We're making it a habit to disappear in the midst of all the festivities."
He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You may have heard that I am quite the cad."
"Not anymore though. Now you're my husband." The fierce expression on her face made him chuckle.
Since the day Matilda had come back, he hadn't had more than a handful of laughing fits. He didn't expect them to fade away entirely, but with April around, they had eased. She was the very best thing to happen to him and only a fool would mess it up over something that didn't matter to him. None of the other women had ever made him feel the way April did. She had nothing to worry about in that regard.
"And it's high time I demonstrate my husbandly duties in the marriage bed." He leaned down and scooped her up into his arms. She laughed and wrapped her own around his neck as he kissed her. "Shall we?"
With that, the White King of Wonderland carried his queen to their bedroom and showed her how much he loved her.
About the Author
Rebekah Lewis has always been captivated by fictional worlds. An avid reader and lover of cinema, it was only a matter of time before she started writing her own stories and immersing herself in her imagination. Rebekah's most popular series, The Cursed Satyroi, is paranormal romance based on Greek mythology. She also writes Fantasy and Time Travel. When satyrs, white rabbits, and stubborn heroes aren't keeping her busy, she may be found putting her creativity to use as an award-winning cover artist. Rebekah holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and lives in Savannah, GA with her cat, Bagheera.
Books by Rebekah Lewis
-The Cursed Satyroi Series-
Wicked Satyr Nights
Midnight at the Satyr Inn
Under the Satyr Moon
Mercury Rising
Satyr from the Shadows
The Satyr Prince
Pride Before the Fall
A Satyr for Christmas
-London Mythos-
Rescued by a Sea Nymph
The Vanishing
The Unraveling
The Enchanting
-Other Books-
Through the Maelstrom
Hela Takes a Holiday
Monsters in the Dark